Saturday, September 3, 2011

Amici (Friends)

Amici: Those who you hope to find and those who you hope find you. Those who you hope like you and those who end up liking you. Those who are thrown together and those who can't seperate. Those who can't stand to be around each other but grow on each other. Those who yell, scream, backbite and spreaad rumors, but in the end we all forgive and forget and tear up when we seperate...... Individuals that you never in all honesty never would have dreamed of meeting lest hanging out with if it wasn't for a life changing experience that put us all together-
Grazie tutti I Miei Amici

Bandiera (Flag)

Bandiera:  An emblem and representation of team , zone or country forged into brotherhood by comittment and perseverance through ages of time displayed on textile raised for all to see and pledge allegiance. (Tartuga was the Dante Alghieri Contrada, pictured above)

Choc Krave (Nutella Epidemic to Behold)

Contrada........... (District)

Contrada:  Siena is divided into 17  districts called "Contradas". 17 Contradas are  represented by an animal while the last contrada is represented by the tower "Torre". The contradas were developed in the middle ages to protect the city from invaders of Florence. The contradas have developed today into districts of the city which help the city deal with marriage, death and baptisms. The Contradas also participate yearly at the Siena Palio.

Dante Alghieri Scuola Linguistica

Dante Alghieri: The Siena Language school and 6 week home away from home, with the most wonderful staff in the entire continent of Italy!

Duomo (Church)


Euro: L'Euro is the current currency of Italy and is used by  17 of the 27 Eurozone countries. Italy once used the Lira which was used as Italy's currency since 1807 during the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.


Fanta: The best tasting soda in Italy, they use real sugar in the ingredients not fructose corn syrup and as a result you have a natural fesh drink available in several "Eurpean" flavors. to see a list of flavors please visit,  My favorite flavor is Blood Orange Fanta in the Tall Red Bottle.


Gelato: The best creation in the world, My favorites are several. Menta, Ciocolatta Fondente, Zabaglione, Pistacchio, Lampone, Crema, Frutta di Bosco,Tiramisu, e AranciaCiocolatte (KopaKabana Flavor).
“What you little halflings are feeling right about now is your energy flagging. We got four more stops today. I want you to at least be able to shuffle from  monument to monument. We got one word for that, and it's gelato. Keep in mind that ltalian ice cream  has about twice the sugar of American ice cream. Means you're gonna want about two scoops, huh? I know I do. All right”.
Gelato Quote- Lizze Mcguire

Hotel D'uomo

Hotel Duomo: The traditional Italian word for Hotel is"Albergo", but as the world melts together, Italy adopts many english words. This hotel sits at the top of Siena's hills and if you don't believe me just ask me how my "World Traveler" suitcase is doing! P.O.S ! This is a fine Hotel close to Piazza Del Campo and the Duomo of Siena

Ieri (Yesterday)

Ieri: Yesterday The Opposite of tomorrow "Domani"! When you are in Italy say ” A Domani" , but when the trip is over you wish for yesterday "Ieri" all the time. When you are in Italy embrace the moment and have no regrets about you experiences, because there are alway tomorrows but few memorable Ieri’s (yesterdays)!

Juventino........ Youthfullness

Juventino: This means youth fullness! You are now young but one day you might feel older, I always feel like a young lad “Juventino” every time I return to Italy.

Kopa Kabana

Kopa Kobana : The Senese have it down when it comes to Gelato, throw in a little twist of exotic flavor at a price you can afford and you have KopaKobana. Kopakabana is the perfect hangout spot for any tourist or sense alike .Kopakabana fuses luxury with casualty located just off the beaten path.If you are in Siena I hope to see you at "KopaKabana".

Limone da Sorrento

Limone: The Word Limone means Lemon. Sorrento is a small town on the Amalfi Coast which is famous for growing limone. Many Italian desert recipes call for a dash or zest of limone. During a visit to pompeii Several us took a day trip down to sorrento, and while we were there we visited the lemon grove of the famiglia ? They showed us all of their trees and gave us dicounts on selected lemon and delicious bottles of limencello. Limencello a desert wine that is made with Lemons,Vodka or Everclear and Sugar………

Lucca ......

Lucca: Lucca is a small walled city in the heart of Tuscany which was also designed to protect the city from outside invaders. The Amici of Siena took a day trip there and we rented bicycles and rode around the wall and tried a local drink and visited the infamous piazza ,which is a perfect circle.

Luna Park (Park of the Moon)

Luna Park: Or “park of the moon” Shall not be overlooked1 This is a phenomenal park nestled in the midst of a fortress full of the finest Italian Carnies full of rides and games for kids of all ages. During Vince’s, Pat with the “hat”, and skate board Pat’s visit we watched an awe as skater pat showed off his six shooter skills with some target games. Later in the trip Luna Park served as the festival location for the Nannini “100 Years”celebration.

Mangiare (To Eat......)

Mangiare: this means to "eat"!  You will hear this a ton and by all means do not dare refuse these words, this will make Italians very sad :( and you will miss out on the Best Food in the World!

Modello (Model)

Montepulciano .......... Day Trip

Nannini Family and Store

Nannini: Taditional gourmet pastry; such as bombolone, ricerelli, pane forte e pane croccante are housed inside Nannin. Nannin have preserved the ingredients and guarded traditional Tuscan and Senese recipes for over a hundred years.This Pastry and coffe house haven is located near the historic Piaaza del Campo. La Familglia knows how to through a party, they threw their party inside the walled fortress on the stomping grounds of Luna Park, The whole Nannini family was singing and dancing and all were playing an instrument in the band before the night was over, just ask the midnight owls who stayed for the best part of the evening.

Nutella (Hazlenut & Skim Milk Spread)

Nutella :Nutella is a lush blend of skim milk and hazelnut chocolate….It was developed in Piedmont, Italy,  by Pietro Ferrero after taxes on cocoa beans hindered the manufacture and distribution of conventional chocolate. Pietro Ferrero owned a patisserie in Alba, in the Langhe district of Piedmont, an area known for the production of hazelnuts and sold an initial batch of 300 kilograms (660 lb) of "Pasta Gianduja" in 1946. This was originally a solid block, but in 1949, Pietro started to sell a creamy version in 1951 as"Supercrema", and thus it's known today as Nutella ...

Orlogio (Watch)

Orlogio: This object is a “Watch”, Before you go to Italy you are constantly watching this contraption. When you are in Italy you use the sun to indicate the time and when it is appropriate moment for a Gelato break. The smells of fresh pasta also whispers to you when meal time is fast approaching. Time seems to virtually disappear when you are abroad, and when it’s over you pull out you watch and wish it could give you “piu tempo” (more time).  Alcuni di noi ricorderemmo Siena Ogni Giorno especialmente Giordano con quello Bello Orlogio..... :)

Piazza Dell Campo (Square of the Field, or center of Town)

Piazza Del Campo: One of the finest Piazza’s in all of Italy and home of the mighty palio, it served as the center of the town, where once medieval rulers and renaissance royalty stood to observe their courts and give instruction to protect against invasion. Today it serves as the major attraction for tourists during the peak morning hours, but the local senese and study abroad student learn to enjoy this nightly, as we drank and talked into the weee hours of the morning

Pici (Senese Specialty Pasta)

Pici:Is a local favorite pasta that also became a favorite for most of us in the Study Abroad Group. Pici are essentially fat, hand-rolled spaghetti. The name comes from Tuscany, and it has a lookalike in Umbria the locals call stringozzi. The pasta is also seen in Emilia-Romagna, too. It is rustic and irregular pasta, which makes it a great shape for beginners. Not just beginning pasta makers but for pasta eaters…….

Pompeii Poppies

Quattro (The Number 4)

Quattro: The number 4! Four to me represents “ Le Quattro Gomme” 4 tires which are on one of the fastest and most illustrious cars in the world! What would this be? The answer is Ferrari!