Saturday, September 3, 2011


Gelato: The best creation in the world, My favorites are several. Menta, Ciocolatta Fondente, Zabaglione, Pistacchio, Lampone, Crema, Frutta di Bosco,Tiramisu, e AranciaCiocolatte (KopaKabana Flavor).
“What you little halflings are feeling right about now is your energy flagging. We got four more stops today. I want you to at least be able to shuffle from  monument to monument. We got one word for that, and it's gelato. Keep in mind that ltalian ice cream  has about twice the sugar of American ice cream. Means you're gonna want about two scoops, huh? I know I do. All right”.
Gelato Quote- Lizze Mcguire

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